Two-Terminal Universe

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Two-Terminal Universe

For a flow of energy to exist, there must be a place for energy to flow from and a place for energy to flow to. Energy flows happen between two terminals.

In addition, there must be space between the terminals, which means there is time between them as well.

Think about something as simple as playing catch. The first terminal, Joe, throws the ball across space to another terminal, Jane. Joe could not send that flow of energy to Jane if there were no space between them.

Joe could also throw the ball to a non-living terminal, like a net or basket. But still, there is space between them. And because there is space, the flow of energy happens for the length of time it takes for the ball to get from Joe to Jane, or to the net.

You could increase the number of terminals. Joe could throw the ball to Jane who could then throw the ball to Ben. But there must be a minimum of two terminals in order for an energy flow to occur. Therefore, in regards to energy in the universe, the basic unit of is two.

This holds true in each of the three universes.

Two-terminal universe is a synonym for physical universe or MEST universe.

(Creation of Human Ability, “This is Scientology,” section ‘The Triangle of Certainty of Awareness.’)

Let’s examine this a little more thoroughly. Normally, when we think of energy flows, we think of something like the flow of energy between the terminals of a battery or a generator.

However there’s a commonly forgotten aspect to how this energy flow works, which is the base. With an electrical generator there is a base affixed to a floor or table. The base enforces time and space between the two terminals of the generator. Without the base enforcing time and space, energy could not flow.

Let’s look more at how this applies to beings. A being has the ability to enforce time and space upon flows of energy. Joe can throw the ball faster or slower. He can move closer or further away before throwing it. The more skillful Joe is at enforcing time and space upon flows of energy, the more causative he will be.


Eloise wants to move to from Chicago to Kansas City. In order to do this, she will have to control multiple flows of energy, along with the speed of the flows and how far they go. A few of the things she’ll have to consider:

    • By selling her current home in Chicago, and finding a new home in Kansas City, she’s imposed time restrictions on how soon the move will take place.
    • She’ll need to get her items packed and moved from Chicago to Kansas City. This is a flow of many particles from one city to another. She might move these particles herself, or she may enlist aid from a moving company or friends. Maybe she decides not to take all of her items with her and instead relocates them to a Goodwill or sells them through Facebook Marketplace. There are hundreds or thousands of energy flow actions Eloise will need to perform to get all these things done.
    • She has to move herself from Chicago to KC. How will she do this? She could drive her car, drive a moving truck, or take a plane. Each choice comes with different methods of imposing space and time on moving her own body from here to there.

If Eloise is in good shape mentally, she’ll be able to tackle this move in a fairly straightforward way. She’ll be able to flow energy back and forth over times and spaces to make this move happen. But let’s say Eloise isn’t in great shape mentally. Maybe she gets spells of feeling depressed. Maybe she ends up getting sucked into social media for hours a day. Even though she really wants to move to Kansas City, she just can’t seem to get all the pieces in place. She may try to get things done, but makes errors in time and space.

For example, if she hires a moving truck to come pick up her stuff on November 30th, but she hasn’t managed to pack up her items, the truck will not have any boxes to put in the truck. She thought she would be ready by November 30th, but she misjudged and also kept getting distracted from her goal. She can’t afford to pay the movers to pack her things and the movers hadn’t planned on that anyway. Now, even though the movers can’t load her items, she still has to pay them because she committed them to the time. This means now she doesn’t have enough money to move so she has to try to save up for it again.

(Scientology 8-80, “Chapter Fourteen”)

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