Dissemination Division (Dissem Div)

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Dissem Division | Division 2

This part of the organization makes services and materials known to potential public and creates interest. Its color is Purple. Memos from this part of the organization as well as uniforms could be purple,

Some of the things this division is responsible for are:

  • Promotion, like creating and issuing flyers, catalogs, websites, etc about materials and services
  • Publications, which includes having books, tape lectures, and other materials people may need to do services. A Scientology organization has a bookstore onsite so people can purchase what they need.
  • Registration, helping people determine what service is next for them. It could be some form of auditing or it could be training. A registrar is expected to be well-informed about all the services and materials so they can answer questions and direct people to the most helpful next step.
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